Deutsche Bank
Group Technology & Operations: OperationsAnalyst Training Program
This position is based on Shanghai.
Deutsche Bank “Best Global Investment Bank 2010”A Passion to Perform. It’s
what drives us. More than a claim, this describes the way we do business. We
compete to be the leading global provider of financial services, balancing p
assion with precision to deliver superior solutions for our clients. This is
made possible by our people: agile minds, able to see beyond the obvious act
effectively in an ever-changing global business landscape. As you’ll discove
r, our culture supports this. Diverse, international and shaped by a variety
of different perspectives, we’re driven by a shared sense of purpose. At eve
ry level agile minds are rewarded with competitive pay, support and the oppor
tunity to excel. Named the "Best Global Investment Bank“ in Euromoney Magazi
ne’s annual Awards for Excellence, Deutsche Bank is a leader in Germany and
Europe and is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging ma
Group Technology & Operations: Operations Critical to Deutsche Bank’s compe
titive edge, Group Technology & Operations (GTO) is the DNA which provides th
e technological and operational foundation to the Bank’s outstanding busines
s performance and exceptional client service levels. Employing over a fifth o
f the Bank’s total employees in 45 countries, GTO is at the core of everythi
ng the Bank does. Operations is one arm of GTO and Technology is the other. W
e work to do things smarter, faster and more innovatively to meet the technic
al and operational challenges of clearing, documenting and settling transacti
ons worth hundreds of billions of Euros every day, across multiple time zones
, in all the major currencies and markets.
Our People Our people are outstanding individuals with agile minds, from a di
verse range of backgrounds and cultures. They generate fresh ideas and innova
tive solutions which set us apart from our competitors and add value to our c
lients. As an Analyst in GTO you should:–be in your final year of study –sp
eak fluent English (additional languages are desirable for some locations but
not a pre-requisite)–posses proven analytical skills and problem solving sk
ills–have a strong client focus and be delivery orientated–have excellent c
ommunication and teamwork skills At Deutsche Bank, we are proud to be an Equa
l Opportunity/ Affirmative Action (M/F/D/V) employer.
Your Program Deutsche Bank is nothing without its people, which is why we off
er our graduates a training program that is second to none:–We offer one of
the most in-depth operations training programs in the financial services, whe
re you’ll receive a broader skills set and education overall–We are one of
the only banks who still takes a completely global approach to training–Real
world experience is the driving force behind our program, making it one of t
he most comprehensive of its kind–Specialist, tailored training and on-the-j
ob development make us a leader in what we offer our graduates
Induction: You will hit the ground running with a four week induction in Lond
on. Your schedule will include networking events, global orientation and divi
sion specific training to really help you make your mark as an Analyst. The t
raining will cover products, business analysis, project governance and soft-s
kills training. This experience is an invaluable opportunity to gain in-depth
knowledge and build relationships which will be vital to you in your career
with the bank.
Program: Over the course of the program, you can expect to benefit from a var
iety of rotational placements. Your specific responsibilities will depend on
your area of support, mainly in business analysis or as a functional analyst.
This program is carefully designed to provide you with breadth and depth of
experience and hone your skills to become a world-class professional.
Development: We believe that continuous learning is vital to your career at D
eutsche Bank. You will attend a 15 month training and practical rotation prog
ram. Classroom training program, approximately six months after the induction
, will refine key skills such as project management, career management, commu
nication and presentation skills. Career Management training will celebrate t
he end of the program and prepare you for your working life in GTO. You will
also participate in a mentoring program which will be invaluable to your deve
For more information and to apply, please visit our website at db.com/careers