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发布时间:2011-01-10 18:11  来源:经济,金融招聘 查看:打印  关闭

Hay Group Recruitment Process and Requirements

About Hay Group

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality. We develop talent, organize people to be more effective and motivate them to perform at their best. Our focus is on making change happen and helping people and organizations realize their potential.

We have over 2,600 employees working in 86 offices in 47 countries. Our clients come from the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, across every major industry and represent diverse business challenges. For over 60 years, we have been renowned for the quality of our research and the intellectual rigor of our work. We transform research into actionable insights. We give our clients breakthrough perspectives on their organization and we do it in the most efficient way to achieve the desired results.
• We make change happen. No other consulting firm can match our breadth and depth of know-how. This enables companies to be confident that our recommendations will work.
• We created and own the most widely used job evaluation methodology in the world, used in over 8,000 organizations worldwide.
• We've helped clients to assess, select and develop hundreds of thousands of managers and executives through the breakthrough insights and services of our McClelland Center for Research and Innovation.
• We've built the richest and most comprehensive database of organizational management information in the world, enabling our clients to benchmark themselves against the best performers in their industries.

Position openings:

 5-6 Analysts (for Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen)

Position descriptions as the Analyst:

Our work in management consulting typically falls within the following business areas and you are likely to find yourself building deep skills in one of these: HR Management, Leadership Development, Leadership and Talent Management, Organizational Effectiveness, Employee Survey and Corporate Governance etc.

Key responsibilities may include:

 Assisting in industry and company analyses as well as market research for benchmarking
 Assisting in delivering effective data and documentation through quantity and quality analysis
 Assisting in designing and conducting questionnaires and on-site interview
 Assisting in file sorting and categorizing
 Assisting in call selling and customer relationship management


To be considered for a role in Analyst, candidates need to have variety of skill and interest in management areas

Demonstrated track record of outstanding academic performance in one of following majors: MBA/Business/ Finance / Accounting / Economics / Human Resources Management / Marketing/Engineering/Linguistic/Sociology etc.

 Bachelor Degree is a must
 Strong problem solving and communication skills
 Ability to work creatively and analytically in a problem-solving environment
 Desire to work in a fast pace environment
 Excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills
 Good command of verbal and written skills in both English and Mandarin
 Eager to learn
 Good at call selling

Please submit your Resume through E-mail to: HayChina_Career@haygroup.com


• 我们使变革得以实现。没有任何其它咨询公司能够在技术知识方面达到我们的深度和广度。这使得相关公司深信我们的建议将发挥作用。
• 我们创建并拥有世界上最广泛使用的工作评估方法,使之在世界各地的8,000多家组织中得到应用。
• 我们经由麦克里兰研究与创新中心(McClelland Center for Research and Innovation)具有突破意义的见解与服务,帮助客户测评、选择并培养了成千上万的经理和高级管理人员。
• 我们业已建立了世界上最丰富、最全面的组织管理咨询数据库,使我们的客户能够参照所属行业中的最优秀企业来改进自己。



 5-6名(分析师)


我们的工作大致分为以下业务领域,在Hay(合益)集团工作你非常有可能在以下领域奠定未来发展的基础: 人力资源管理、组织发展与变革管理、公司治理、员工满意度调查和顾客忠诚度调研、领导力及人才管理等。


上海, 北京, 深圳


 协助项目团队进行行业研究、信息搜集以及标杆分析等
 参与问卷设计和调研,现场访谈
 整理项目文档分析并提交有效数据
 查找分析并提交项目所需的有效数据和文档
 辅助相关人员进行电话销售和产品推广等


 应聘人员应具有本科以上学位
 应聘人员需对企业管理有浓厚的兴趣,并具备良好的解决问题的能力、创新思维、信息搜集与处理能力、自我学习与发展能力、人际沟通能力、团队合作与客户服务意识。

 所学专业不是决定性因素



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