自1925年在厦门设立第一家分行起,华侨银行一直保持在中国的持续经营。在这85年内,华侨银行不仅没有间断过在中国的业务和服务, 我们也是1949年后在中国大陆连续经营的四家外资银行之一。
华侨银行中国的注册资本为人民币35亿元(约合新币6亿9800万元)。目前华侨银行中国聘有 近500名员工,除了上海总部,华侨银行中国在北京、厦门、天津、成都、广州和重庆共设有11家分支行。此外,华侨银行在青岛还设有一个代表处。
华侨银行中国企业银行业务包括: 各类贷款; 项目融资; 贸易融资; 现金管理/外汇交易; 银团贷款/债券; 投行咨询服务; 风险,战略投资及网上银行服务。
At OCBC China, we have carefully designed a distinctive Management Trainee Programme targeted at preparing young, promising talents for a variety of positions within the Bank. Our Management Trainees will come to understand our core businesses through comprehensive industry orientation and acquire first hand knowledge through premium training programmes, job rotations and possibly assignments. As a Management Trainee, you will also learn under the guidance of a senior manager and get a chance to grow personally and professionally through the many networks you will develop during the course of the programme. Here's a glimpse of what a Management Trainee typically goes through: |
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The duration of the programme is 2 years. |
In 2010, there will be 15 Management Trainee openings in the business area of Business Banking with locations in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Chongqing. |