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Work With Us
for Spearheading a Prosperous Future
We offer competitive remuneration package and promising career opportunities to the successful candidates.
Interested parties, please send full resume with current & expected salary and the date of availability to The HR Department, G.P.O. Box 2535, HK, or email to jobs@chbank.com. Please quote reference on your application.
Information provided will be treated in strict confidence and only be used for recruitment purposes. All unsuccessful applications will be destroyed 6 months after the completion of the recruitment and selection exercise.

Retail Branches
Branch Manager (Ref: RBAD-BM-E)
Branch Operations Officer (Ref: RBAD-BOO-E)
Customer Service Officer (Ref: RBAD-CSO-E)
Securities Dealing Representative (Ref: RBAD-SDR-E)
Counter Service Representative (Ref: RBAD-CSR-E)

Branch Administration Department
Assistant Manager - Internet Banking Section (Ref: RBAD-AMI-E)
Branch Administration Officer (Ref: RBAD-BAO-E)

Retail Banking Department
Product Development Officer - Marketing Section (Ref: RBBD-PDO-E)
Officer - Consumer Financing Section (Ref: RBBD-CF-E)
Mortgage Sales Assistant (Ref: RBBD-MSA-E)

Corporate & Commercial Banking Department
Relationship Manager (Ref: BCCB-RM-E)

Credit Assessment Department
Assistant Credit Manager (Ref: CCAD-AM-E)
Credit Officer (Ref: CCAD-CO-E)
Secretary - Credit Assessment Department (Ref: CCAD-SEC-E)

Internal Audit Department
Assistant Internal Audit Manager (Ref: AIAD-AM-E)
Internal Audit Officer (Ref: AIAD-OF-E)

Finance Department
Assistant Manager - Finance Department (Ref: FFIN-AM-E)
Assistant Associate - Finance Department (Ref: FFIN-AA-E)

Treasury Management Department
Assistant Products Officer (Ref: FTMD-AO-E)

Wealth Management Department
Assistant Business Development Officer (Ref: VWMD-AO-E)

Life Insurance Department
Assistant Officer - Life Insurance Department (Ref: VLID-AO-E)

Loans Administration Department
Assistant Officer - Loans Administration Department (Ref: CLAD-AO-E)
Clerk - Loans Administration Department (Ref: CLAD-CK-E)

Company Secretarial Department
Assistant Associate - Company Secretarial Department (Ref: SSEC-AA-E)

IT Development Department
Manager - IT Procurement (Ref: IDEP-ITP-E)
Assistant Manager - IT Projects (Retail Banking) (Ref: IDEP-AM-E)
Programmer / Programmer Trainee (Ref: IDEP-PRH-E)

IT Operations Department
Senior System Engineer (Ref: IOPS-SE-E)

Compliance Department
Assistant Compliance Officer (Ref: LCCD-AO-E)

Central Information Services Department
Officer - Central Information Services Department (Ref: OCIS-OF-E)
Clerk - Central Information Services Department (Ref: OCIS-CK-E)

Settlement Department
Securities Settlement Clerk (Ref: OSET-SC-E)
Remittance Clerk (Ref: OSET-CK-E)

Customer Services Department
Customer Service Representative - Call Centre (Ref: RCSD-CSR-E)

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