主页 > 回收区 > 经济,金融招聘 > 广东汇丰环球客户服务(广东)有限公司招聘人才信息(2)


发布时间:2010-05-07  截至日期:已过期  来源:经济,金融招聘 查看:打印  关闭
银行招聘网(Yinhangzhaopin.com)温馨提示:凡告知“加qq联系、无需任何条件、工作地点不限”,收取服装费、押金、报名费等各种费用的信息均有欺诈嫌疑,请保持警惕。银行招聘网文章标签:信息 广东 汇丰 有限公司 客户服务 and 环球 to -

资讯分析师(需求人数:5人; 职位编号:CPGZCIM)
l   编写并运行代码,以获得最终可交付成果(包括:数据处理,管理信息系统报表和SAS数据集)
l   对收益性项目提供支持。与市场部和风险管理部紧密配合,将抽象的策略转换为具体可执行的指令。
l   为了更有效地配合商业分析和业务部门的要求,需要对数据库设计、编程工具及编码方式进行各种方案的探寻,推荐以及实施
l   本科或以上学历
l   计算机、数学、统计学、经济学、工程学、工商管理或社会科学专业
l   通过CET6
l   具备1-2年相关工作经验的应届生可获优先考虑
l   熟练应用SAS, Easytrieve, COBOL, SQL, PERL,或JAVA进行编程
l   具备良好沟通的能力,能应用各类信息完成任务
l   对于恒生业务,能运用广东话进行交流者(例如,听或说)可获优先考虑
Analyst, Information Management (Ref. No.: CPGZCIM)
 (Location: Guangzhou)
Job Duties:
-To interface with the business community to define objectives and requirements;
-To translate business objectives into criteria and logical specifications;
-To program and develop code to generate end deliverables (including file extracts, MIS reports, and SAS data marts);
-To maintain and share libraries of programs and programming techniques with analysts across the organization;
-To make recommendations to help evolve and make iterative improvements to the information infrastructure;
-To implement profitability algorithms, segmentation schemes and propensity to purchase models;
-To support revenue generation programs. Interfaces with Marketing and risk departments to translate strategy into executable instructions;
-To ascertain, recommends and implements methods of improving efficiencies in database design, programming tools and coding methodologies for business analysts and the department;
-To interface with Technology Services to research complex data quality and systems processing issues to ensure resolution;
-To investigate operational systems. Extracts and generates proposals to improve quality, timeliness and usability. Diagnoses underlying problems related to data integrity;
-To identify system performance issues on large, complex queries. Redevelops queries to perform in a more efficient manner;
-To develop trains and supports CIM Analysts as required;
-To perform other related duties as assigned.
-Hold a Bachelor’s degree (Masters Preferred) in Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering, Business, or Social Science;
-Intern who has one to two years experience in a computing or information science oriented area is preferable;
-Demonstrated proficiency in programming in SAS, Easytrieve, COBOL, SQL, PEARL, or JAVA;
-Has the ability to actively listen, interview and apply information from meetings to complete assigned tasks;
-Has excellent cognitive and mathematical aptitude;
-Has the ability to independently assume responsibility and complete tasks;
-Able to speak/listen Cantonese is preferable for HASE business.

公司地址: 广州市东风西路148号广州汇丰大厦人力资源部
邮政编码: 510170
电子邮件: recruitmenthdpg@hsbc.com.cn

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